
Rise in Spanish and Turkish cement exports boosts prices in the Mediterranean Basin in May

Cement export prices in the Mediterranean Basin increased in May boosted by a positive development in the region's major exporters, up by almost 1 percent compared to the previous month. Meanwhile, FOB cement and clinker prices in the Persian Gulf-Arabian Sea continued to decline by around 1 percent and 1.5 percent month-on-moth, respectively, according to CW Research's Cement and Clinker Price Assessment for Med Basin and Persian Gulf-Arabian Sea & East Africa.

In East Africa, CFR prices for bagged cement also declined by almost 1 percent in the same month.

ÔÇ£Spain's cement exports continue to witness robust increases as the industry recovers from the pandemic. In Turkey, the cement sector continues to log double-digit growth in export value in January-April 2021ÔÇØ, states Wanderson Teixeira, Junior Business Analyst at CW Group.


Cement exports from Spain increase in March

The Spanish cement sector logged an increase of almost 18 percent year-on-year in exports in March. Meanwhile, domestic demand rose by more than 8 percent compared to the same period of 2020.

Algeria's cement exports for the first quarter of 2021 also surged, almost doubling compared to the same period of 2020. In Turkey, cement exports rose in the first four months of 2021, up by over 12 percent in value, but down by about 2 percent in volume.


Saudi cement exports remain sluggish in April

While the domestic cement market in Saudi Arabia remains thriving, April 2021 exports continued to drop, declining by almost 47 percent year-on-year.

In Iran, cement exports in the last fiscal year, ended March 20, 2021, crossed 24 million tons, representing in terms of value, the third largest share among all exports.


Shipping market outlook

In terms of shipping at a global level, the Baltic Dry Index reached a near 11-year high on May 5 at 3,266 points, slightly weakening to 3,254 points on May 11, a robust increase of 1,114 points versus the level of April 13, helped by firmer rates for the Panamax and Supramax segments.

In the beginning of May, China Development Bank Financial Leasing (CDB Leasing) booked eight 80,000 dwt bulkers at Cosco Shipping Heavy's Yangzhou yard, a deal that amounted to USD 221.6 million.

In the same month, the Japan-based shipping company Nissen Kaiun sold its third cape this year, the 10-year-old 182,000 dwt Eibhlin, for USD 30 million.



The Cement and Clinker Price Assessments for Med Basin and Persian Gulf are part of CW Research's price assessment series for tradable commodities. The report offers prompt cargo (next 30-60 days deliveries) pricing insights, regular monitoring of the market and an overview of key developments that are crucial for those involved in the cement, clinker and petcoke trade to understand. The monthly price assessments synthesize key market information based on CW Research analysts' ongoing interactions with market participants, including traders, exporters, buyers and other stakeholders involved in the cement, clinker and petcoke trade.

Find out more about the report here.

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