
CW Summit Americas 2020 to focus on strategies, challenges and opportunities for the building materials industry

Leading global and multi-industry advisory, research and business intelligence boutique CW Group is pleased to host another edition of the successful and benchmark industry event, CW Summit Americas.

The event will take place in Miami, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel on the 16th and 17th of January.

Drawing on its wide-ranging network and extensive experience, CW Group will conduct a series of interactive conversations offering insights into key topics currently shaping the global cement and building materials industry.

ÔÇ£As the industry is called upon to help fight climate change and mitigate emissions, CW Group takes this opportunity to present its views on green construction latest developments and value chain in order to support industry participants in better incorporating it into their strategic decision-making,ÔÇØ notes Robert Madeira, Managing Director and Head of Research at CW Group.

The variety of topics to be presented at the CW Summit will include not only a global overview, but also an Americas-specific focus on cement industry trends. Additionally, information on cement prices, seaborne trade flows and specialty cements will be presented and discussed.

CW Group will also share its views on the industry ecosystem, including an energy overview, the cement equipment market, best practices surrounding green construction and the industry's latest innovations and modernization practices.

Seating is limited, so we encourage you to get in touch with our team to reserve your seat at this industry-leading event!


For securing your place or more information, please contact Mihnea Manea, Media and Market Services Executive, CW Group, by phone at +40 723 281 704, or e-mail at [email protected].

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