
Cement and clinker price marker: Persian Gulf-Arabian Sea and East Africa (June)

On a monthly basis, cement FOB prices registered a 7+ percent MoM decrease inPersian Gulf-Arabian Sea region, while export prices for bulk ordinary grade clinker increased by more than 4 percent.

The CW Research's June update to Persian Gulf ÔÇô Arabian Sea and East Africa Cement and Clinker price assessment shows East African CFR prices for cement increased by less than one percent in comparison with last month.

ÔÇ£Middle Eastern traders are still experiencing less encouraging signs shown in the cement trade prices. The situation in the region is cause of concern given that new exporters are emerging in the regionÔÇØ, explains Raluca Cercel, Consulting Analyst with the CW Group's European team.

The monthly report also includes details about shipping indices of cement and clinker trading, and the latest insights on trade in Saudi Arabia and Iraq.

CW Research's leading role in the global cement and clinker sector forms the underpinning for the monthly price assessment. Price points are based on the analyst team's on-going discussions with cement traders, producers, exporters and other stakeholders in the business and reflect a synthesis of actual traded cargos.


The full monthly update is available as an annual subscription in individual or corporate license forms. For questions and orders, please contact Liviu Dinu, Market Services & Marketing Consultant, CW Group (Europe), at [email protected], or +40-744-67-44-11.


For more information or interview inquiries, please contact Luciana Murarasu, Marketing & Communications Coordinator, CW Group (Europe), at [email protected], or +40-748-91-84-50.


About the report

CW Research's Persian Gulf ÔÇô Arabian Sea and East Africa Cement and Clinker price assessment product is a monthly report providing timely updates on actual pricing for cargoes with prompt delivery (next 30-60 days). The unique product synthesizes key market information based on CW Research's analystsÔÇÖ interactions with market participants, including traders, exporters, buyers and other stakeholders involved in the cement trade.

The product covers three distinct monthly price reference points for bulk cargoes:

  • Persian Gulf - Arabian Sea: cement FOB
  • Persian Gulf - Arabian Sea: clinker FOB
  • East Africa: cement CFR

The report is part of CW Research's ÔÇ£Cement and Clinker Price AssessmentÔÇØ product series providing regional insights for end-user centric pricing information for gray cement, clinker, and India petcoke CFR.

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