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Votorantim sees growth in southern Brazil

14 December, 2020




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Votorantim predeicts a slight growth in the southern part of Brasil, despite the global economic recession, but off a record 2008. [$]

{reg}[PAID={"id":"1,2,3,4,5","title":"The content you tried to access is only available to paid subscribers.","link":"1"}] The global economic crisis has not kept southern Brazils cement markett from experiencing significant growth during 2009. As Parana Online reports the director of Votorantims operations Mario Fontoura stated the growth ÔÇ£may seem little, but it is enough to consider that 2008 was the greatest performance in recent years. At the height of the crisis, the market evidently felt, and still managed to close a year with an even greater result.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Data from the Sindicato Nacional da Ind├║stria do Cimento (SNIC) indicate[s] that last year there was an apparent consumption of 51.5 million tons of cement in Brazil. In the South, the number reached 8.5 million tons....,ÔÇØ confirmed Parana Online. The current capacity for Votorantims Rio Branco do Sul provides five million tons of cement per year.

To add to their growth, the cement maker has expansion plans. Fontoura explained in Sao Paulo there are advanced studies for other projects to expand capacity. Votorantim has also been working on environmental aspects, like co-processing and pollution prevention. The installation of filters and continuous atmospheric monitoring online and batch  [as well as] monitoring the of air quality and water and wastewater are just a few of their methods, Parana Online said. {/reg}

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