Plant Expansions

Construction of new cement plant in Sudan okayed

14 December, 2020




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Abbasid state of South Kordofan approves project.[$]

{reg}[PAID={"id":"1,2,3,4,5","title":"The content you tried to access is only available to paid subscribers.","link":"1"}]The Abbasid state of South Kordofan in Sudan has approved the establishment of a cement factory in the area.

A report posted on SMC said the new cement plant was given the green light due to its expected contribution to the promotion of development in the state.

The new cement plant factory will be the first of its kind in Western Sudan.

All the formalities are now being completed by the Ministry of Investment of the Federal State. The factory will cover the needs of the state and neighboring areas.

Technical studies proved the existence of raw materials in large quantities in the state. Roads will be constructed in the area, linking areas for animal and agricultural production.

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