Markets & Competition

New report on China market released

14 December, 2020




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A new report by ResearchInChina reports that in 2007, cement output in China reached 1,35 billion tons in the country, and during the first ten months of 2008, cement output reached 1,135 billion tons.

The reports said that China's cement output and consumption has been the number one in the world since 1985. China's cement consumption will account for 54% of global cement consumption for the whole year of 2008.

In China, cement production and consumption are mainly distributed in East China and Central South China, and cement supply can basically meet the demand in those two regions. Elimination of backward production capacity will make cement industrial layout more rationalized.

However, along with the future movements of regional economic and adjustments of state's policies, in the developing regions, especially those where have an advantage of energy sources like central China and west China will be the key markets for cement in the future, aid ResearchInChina.

In the year of 2008, merger & acquisition was a hot topic for China cement industry. The companies such as Anhui Conch Cement, CNBM, Shandong Sunnsy Cement Group, Jidong Cement Company all accelerated their M & A movements .

Moreover, Nanfang Cement Co., Ltd which was fast co-established by Zhejiang Jianfeng Group, Zhejiang Hushan Group and Jiangxi Wannianqing Cement Co., Ltd for the purpose of market control of southeast China; Zhonglian Cement Co., Ltd also controlled the market of Huai River Economic Region by its strategic restructure with Xuzhou Conch Cement Co., Ltd., Taishan Cement Group and a number of other companies.

This report is based on authoritative statistics from China Cement Industry Association,, State Information Center and National Bureau of Statistics, and etc, ResearchInChina informs.

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