
KHD Humboldt Wedag reports 2009 results

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Order intake improves in last quarter of the year; revenues for 2009 reach $576.4 million.

{reg} The company announced that revenues in the fourth quarter of 2009 hit $210.2 million, an increase of 41.8% relative to prior quarter. Similarly, new order intake in the fourth quarter showed improvement over the third quarter and reached $96.7 million in new bookings.

KHD reported revenues of $576.4 million, down from $638.4 million in 2008, and a net income of $40.7 million or the full year.

New order intake for the full year was $321.9 million, a decline of 55.5%  from 2008r. Of this total, 53% came from Asia, 22% came from Russia and Eastern Europe, 10% came from Europe, 9% came from the Middle East, 5% from Africa and 1% from other regions.

CEO Jouni Salo commented, "Overall market conditions were difficult during the year, although there were strong pockets of activity in regions such as India. In India, KHD had a very successful year in terms of new order intake, approximately half of our total new order intake for the year originated from India."

"We intend to continue to invest in improving our technology as well as our offering of environmentally friendly products," Salo added.

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