
AfriSam introduces low-carbon cement

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Introduces Eco Building Cement with half the carbon footprint in South Africa.

{reg }Continuing its support of eco-friendly initiatives, cement manufacturer, AfriSam, recently launched its first environmentally conscientious cement product, which is said to have less than half the carbon foot print of traditional cement.

According to a report posted on Creamer Media's Engineering News, the product Eco Building Cement, which was recently launched in South Africa, has the carbon footprint of 401 g/kg. This, according to the report is a decrease from the average 890 g/kg as determined by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the Cembureau.

But even with lesser carbon emissions, AfriSam's Stephan Olivier said the product achieved while meeting the qualifications of the South African Bureau of Standards.

According to the report, AfriSam is one of the cement producers to innovate environmental strategies as introduced in 1994. Apart from introducing technologies, the company has invested R 1 billion to upgrade its operations with the thrust to reducing the exploitation of nonrenewable resources, upgrading energy efficiencies and decreasing the emission of dust.{/reg}

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