
Japan's Mitsubishi Cement gets soil treatment permit

14 December, 2020




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Company's Kyushu plant is second cement facility to obtain such a license. [$]


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Mitsubishi, the companys Kyushu plant to manufacture cement (Kanda Area: Kanda, Fukuoka Prefecture) has announced that it has obtained a business permit processing contaminated soil amendments based on the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Law that went into effect on April 1 this year was. Contaminated soil treatment business license is obtained, will be the first in Fukuoka Prefecture. The acquisition of this permit, as a cement manufacturing facility is second in the nation, as is the case of the first western.

The recycling of wastes in cement plants, all components of the waste and by-products, raw material for cement, for use as energy or heat, have the advantage that no secondary waste is generated. In addition, 1,450 to undergo a firing process at a high temperature Ôäâ, can usually be difficult to use large amounts of waste processing. Soil is also contaminated with heavy metals as an alternative raw material, it can be disposed of to ensure that safety features. The plant, of five cement kilns (rotary kiln), Japans largest cement manufacturing facility has. Contaminated soil in the capacity of the facility is 2,400 t / day, limit the concentration of contaminated soil is not accepted.

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