ICCM Magazine announcement

India Cement & Construction Materials, vol 1 / issue 18

14 December, 2020




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The latest issue of India Cement & Construction Materials Journal is now available! Issue 18 is proud to present an exclusive interview with Mr. G Jayaraman, Executive President of Birla Corporation Ltd.

Our special guest speaks of the future of the Indian cement industry and presents his detailed view on the evolution. Moreover, this interview offers a glimpse into the technologic world of cement plants, as well as on the use of the alternative fuels in India.

The last part of the Life Cycle Assessment article written by Dr S N Pati, former Joint Director of National Council for Cement and Building Material is among the features of this issue. The third and last part of the article draws the major conclusions of this topic.

The third feature of Issue 18 of India Cement & Construction Materials Journal is a presentation of our partner Lohia, that focuses on the latest developments in terms of products the company made.

India Cement & Construction Materials Journal, issue 18, also brings you the latest information in the research section, written exclusively by the CW Group analysts, and highlights the most important news in sections such as: Market & Competition, Volume & Pricing or the latest moves when it comes to people.


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