
Highly diverse and susceptible to different drivers, the building materials market is volatile and can often prove difficult to track.

Our granular building materials have a coverage of concrete, mortar, bricks, masonry, gypsum, plaster, tiles, fly ash, slag, construction chemicals, green building materials and many more. The reports help industry professionals navigate the building materials business environment and make sharp and highly-informed decisions.



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Pakistan Cement Market Report

CW Research, leader in customized market research solutions, releases the “Pakistan Cement Market report”, a comprehensive review of the dynamic cement market.

 The report covers cement volume trends in detail, analyzing trade flows, cement demand and production (historical and outlook), and the competitive landscape. This report also covers demand drivers, including macro-economic and construction sector dynamics, for the country. CW Research’s report is grounded in a regional perspective and provides a demand forecast through 2020.

The report highlights the impact on cement demand from increased competition by Iranian cement manufacturers in both key export markets, but also within Pakistan and the consequent impact on domestic production and prices.

A significant shift in market dynamics has shielded the industry from the decline in export markets, which has been offset by strong growth in domestic demand.

Furthermore, the large project pipeline proposed for China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is expected to provide a significant boost to domestic cement demand from 2015 to 2020.




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