Price Assessments

Global Dry Bulk Cargo Market and Forecast Report - 2021 edition

CW Research’s “Global Dry Bulk Cargo Market and Forecast Report” provides an in-depth and data-oriented analysis of dry bulk cargo international trade flows.

The report covers historical data from 2016-2021E as well as providing a 5-year outlook on the future of the market till 2026F of international trade in tons for major and minor dry bulk commodities.

Interregional trade routes are sized in tons and forecast for both major (iron ore, coal and grain) and minor commodities (bauxite, cementitious products, forest products, phosphates, steel products, other). Major commodities are further detailed according to grades (e.g. thermal and coking coal). Additional insight on seasonality, bulker size (Capesize, Panamax, Supramax, Handysize) and bulker type (geared bulk carriers, gearless carriers and self-dischargers) is provided for the trade routes.

This report is meant to aid decision making for dry bulk commodity traders, charterers and port operators who need to understand the existing and future supply-demand balance of the various commodities. Detailed information on trade and outlook act as a backbone for well balanced and informed investment decisions on a regional and global scope.

The information is provided in a data-rich format that combines qualitative insights with extensive facts and data series to allow readers to make critical business decisions. By leveraging CW Research’s recognized and proven research capabilities in a highly accurate and precise format, the Global Dry Bulk Cargo Market and Forecast Report is an indispensable tool to all professionals who wish to effortlessly navigate the complexities of the dry bulk cargo industry.

Scope of the report

1. Methodology

2. Executive summary

3. Dry bulk cargo trade

  • Introduction
  • Major traders on the market
  • Dry bulk handling equipment innovation
  • Macroeconomic analysis
  • Dry bulk shipping global analysis
  • Outlook

4. Trade routes overview

  • Top interregional trade routes assessment
    • North America – Asia Pacific/Western Europe
    • Western Europe – Asia Pacific/North America
    • Africa –Asia Pacific/Western Europe
    • Latin America – Asia Pacific
    • Eastern Europe & CIS – Asia Pacific
  • Bulker size preferences by trade route
  • Bulker type preferences by trade route
  • Seasonality

5. Commodity trade route assessments (Historical analysis, regional overview, oversupplied and undersupplied regions, risks and outlook)

  • Major commodities
    • Iron ore (crude iron and direct-shipping iron)
    • Coal (thermal and coking)
    • Grain (maize, soybeans, wheat, other)
  • Minor commodities
    • Bauxite
    • Cementitious products
    • Forest products
    • Fertilizers
    • Steel products
    • Others

6. Regional overview (North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe & CIS, Africa, Middle East, Asia Pacific)

  • Regional differences
  • Competitive advantages
  • Market opportunities
  • Major facilities
  • Number of dry bulk terminals
  • Regional supply-demand imbalances
  • Country close-ups (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Colombia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Ukraine, US)

7. Company Profiles – Trading companies: Archer Daniels Midland, Bunge, Cargill, Glencore, Noble, Rio Tinto, Vale

8. Data Tables

$5,400.00 each
Building materials
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