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Assuming dispatches is required, the following 763 results were found.

  1. Dispatches up 15,7% in Peru

    Cement shipments in the Peruvian market grew 15,67% between January and November. (CW Group) [PAID={"id":"1,2,3,4,5","title":"The content you tried to access is only available to paid subscribers.","link":"1"}] 6,13 million tons were sold from January...

    • Type: Article
    • Category: Volume & Pricing
  2. Colombia shipments fall 1,2% Jan-Nov

    is only available to paid subscribers.","link":"1"}] The Colombian Institute of Cement Producers (ICPC) said that the dispatches were still above 2006 levels, with a cumulative growth of 11,7% compared to 2006. During the last twelve months, cement...

    • Type: Article
    • Category: Volume & Pricing
  3. Exports up 73% in Pakistan, utilization down

    Cement exports in Pakistan saw a 73% rise during July - October, reaching 3,5 million tons as total dispatches increased of 4% year-on-year. Total sales were 9,8 million tons during the period. India and Afghanistan are the primary drivers of higher...

    • Type: Article
    • Category: Markets & trade


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