Features Sustainability: African priorities and affordability 14 December, 2020 SHARE THIS ARTICLE Share Tweet Post Email LATEST Mergers & Acquisitions Cemex strengthens Israel presence with new acquisition Strategic acquisition enhances sustainable construction November 22, 2024 Financial Monarch Cement’s reports strong 3Q24 Strong quarterly results highlight market November 22, 2024 MOST READ Sustainability: African priorities and affordability Article Index Sustainability: African priorities and affordability Page 2 All Pages Page 1 of 2CemWeek and Prescon recently had a chat with Mr. Roland Hunziker from the WBCSD about the some of the trade-offs facing African cement manufacturers as they consider sustainable development initiatives. Much is happening on the continent and a host of new projects may lead to Africa having one of the most sustainable industries ÔÇô but clearly there is work ahead. Mr. Hunziker will be a featured speaker in the upcoming conference ÔÇ£Environmental Cement Africa Conference Cape Town 2010ÔÇØ on April 20 and 21, 2010, in Cape Town, South Africa. CemWeek: What should be the immediate environmental priorities for Africa's cement companies? Roland Hunziker: The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions will remain a key focus for cement companies worldwide. As most African economies continue on a growth path, cement demand will drive further investment in new cement production facilities. Cement companies will focus on installing best available technology in new plants, which will increase thermal and electric efficiency, and retrofit energy efficient equipment where economically viable. The CSI's database on global energy data (GNR) shows that heat consumption in cement plants in Africa and the Middle East covered by the database decreased by 17% between 1990 and 2007, which places today's average heat consumption at a level comparable with Europe and South America (see chart below). Further improvements in efficiency will need to be coupled with increased substitution of conventional fossil fuels by alternative fuels in the clinker combustion process. The IEA-CSI Cement Technology Roadmap 2009 estimates that the share of alternative fuel use in Africa and the Middle East (at below 2% in 2007) will increase to 11% of the fuel mix by 2015 and to 33% by 2050. ┬á Another important area cement companies can tackle is the rehabilitation of quarries to protect and enhance biodiversity. During or after extraction of limestone, opportunities arise to rehabilitate the area and ensure the biodiversity is maintained or even enhanced. The business case for quarry rehabilitation is clear: companies obtain permits to operate only when they demonstrate their commitment to rehabilitation. Next Sign in Don't have any account? Create one SHOW Forgot your username/ password? Log in Terms Of Service Privacy Policy This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and Terms of Service apply Sign in as: User Registration * Required field Sign In Information Personal Information Agree Yes No Terms of Service:You consent that we will collect the information you have provided us herein as well as subsequent use of our platform to render and personalize our services, send you newsletters and occasionally provide you with other information. * Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Register SaveCookies user preferencesWe use cookies to ensure you to get the best experience on our website. If you decline the use of cookies, this website may not function as expected.Accept allDecline allCW GroupNewsAcceptDecline