Equipment & Technology

Green ammonia might play an important role in the EU’s green transition

25 September, 2023

Joel Moser, the CEO of First Ammonia, has commented on the situation

According to Joel Moser, the CEO of First Ammonia, a leader in the production of green ammonia, believes that green ammonia plays a prominent role in the 20 million ton renewable hydrogen target of the European Commission’s REPowerEU plan, as reported by Euriactiv.

After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a sense of urgency can be felt in the EU, who must do something. Russian gas made up more than 40 percent of all of Europe’s gas consumption in 2021 providing Vladimir Putin’s huge leverage over the EU. If the right measures are taken this can be a win-win situation: lessening its dependence upon fossil fuels, generally, and accelerating its green transition.

The ammonia sector can play a significant role in this transition. The EU’s ammonia sector uses about 10 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually, mostly as a feedstock to make fertilizers. Europe cannot stop using fertilizers because they are essential to help guarantee food security for the EU and the world.

Because of this, green Ammonia could help Europe directly meet almost 30 percent of the 35 billion cubic meters savings the EU hopes to achieve in industry by 2030 in its newly presented REPowerEU plan.


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